


Until the philosophy which holds one race superior

And another inferior
Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned,
Everywhere is war - Me say War.

That until there is no longer

First class and second class citizens of any nation,
Until the color of a man's skin
Is of no more significance than the color of his eyes - 
Me say war.


And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes

that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique,
South Africa, sub-human bondage have been toppled,
Utterly destroyed - 
Well, everywhere is war - Me say war.

War in the east, war in the west,

War up north, war down south - 
War - war - Rumors of war.
And until that day, the African continent will not know peace.
We, Africans, will fight - we find it necessary - 
And we know we shall win
As we are confident in the victory.

MARLEY, B. Disponível em: http://www.sing365.com. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2011 (fragmento).

 Bob Marley foi um artista popular e atraiu muitos fãs com suas canções. Ciente de sua influência social, na música War, o cantor se utiliza de sua arte para alertar sobre:

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