

Full name: César Augusto Cielo Filho 

  Gender: Male 

  Height: 6-4.5 (195 cm) 

  Weight: 176 lbs (80 kg) 

  Born: January 10, 1987 (Age 28.086, YY.DDD) in Santa Bárbara d'Oeste, São Paulo, Brazil 

  Affiliations: Auburn Tigers, Auburn, Alabama (USA) 

  Country: Imagem Brazil 

  Sport: Swimming Medals:1 Gold, 2 Bronze (3 Total)   Available at: < www.sports-reference.com/olympics/athletes/ci/cesar-cielo-filho-1.html> Accessed on: April 6.2015.


Complete the sentences about the swimmer César Cielo, according to his biography; using relative pronouns (who, that, which, where)


1- César Cielo is a Brazilian swimmer ______________________ won 3 medals in Olympic Games.


2- Santa Bárbara d’Oeste, is the city _______________________ he was born.


3- Swimming is the sport ___________________ Cielo loves to practice.


4- Brazil is the country ___________________ he represents.