(IF - SUL DE MINAS) Cada vez mais, ouvem-se opiniões acerca dos desequilíbrios ambientais e uma opinião muito recorrente recai sobre o risco de esse desequilíbrio ocasionar o aumento do nível dos oceanos, causando inundações nas cidades litorâneas.
A opção que indica corretamente o desequilíbrio associado à sua causa, capaz de ocasionar esse tipo de consequência é o:
Questões relacionadas
- Inglês - Fundamental | 09. Question Words (Recursos Interrogativos)
Texto base:
- a) Read the article. Complete the gaps with the verbs from the box in the Simple Past.
promise try learn work live want
Before the Voyage Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451. He later 1) _______________ in Lisbon where he 2) _______________ as a trader. There he 3) _______________ how to make maps and navigate a ship. Three Ships and a Long Voyage Columbus spent years trying to convince someone to pay for his voyage. He first 4) _______________ to get King John II of Portugal to pay for his journey, but the King was not interested. Finally, he was able to convince Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain to pay for the trip. He set sail on August 3, 1492 with three ships named the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. The voyage was long and difficult. At one point his men got angry and 5) _______________ to turn back. Columbus 6) _______________ them he would turn back in two days if they didn't find land. In his journal, however, he wrote that he had no intention of turning back. On October 12, 1492 they arrived in a small island in the Bahamas.
Available at: http://www.ducksters.com/biography/explorers/christopher_columbus.php. Accessed on: Nov 11, 2016.
- b) Answer the following questions.
1- What was Columbus's nationality?
2- How old was Columbus when he discovered America?
3- How long was his trip from Europe to America?
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Disponível em: <http:// arquivo.geledes.org.br >. Acesso em: 26 jun. 2015.
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Texto base: Read the text and answer the question.
The objective of this text is to show you that exercising makes
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