Placas como a da gravura são usadas para orientar os usuários de um espaço urbano. Essa placa, especificamente, tem a função de avisar que somente
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- Língua Inglesa | 1.4 Reading Strategies
Kobe Bryant’s pilot received clearance to fly in poor weather before crash
By Ian Duncan, Luz Lazo, Justin George and Rick Maese
Jan. 27, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. GMT-3
The helicopter pilot flying Kobe Bryant, the basketball star’s daughter and six other passengers Sunday grappled with poor weather, asking at one point for special permission to fly by sight in worse than normal visibility, but he displayed no signs of concern in his communications with air traffic controllers.
Shortly after he got special clearance to continue through controlled airspace, he veered from Highway 101 below and crashed into the Calabasas, Calif., hills. All nine onboard were killed.
On Monday, the investigation got underway, with a team from the National Transportation Safety Board arriving at a crash site guarded against curious eyes by sheriff’s deputies on horseback, as the sports world continued to mourn one of its greats.
The poor weather will be one dimension of the crash investigation – and investigators asked the public to send them photos showing conditions at the time – but the pilot’s record and the helicopter’s maintenance history will also be part of the review.
“We are not just focusing on weather,” NTSB board member Jennifer Homendy said. “We look at man, machine and the environment, and weather is just a small portion of that.”
In air traffic control records reviewed by The Washington Post, the pilot requested permission to fly under the special conditions near Burbank Airport. Homendy said the pilot circled for 12 minutes until the approval came.
On the records reviewed by The Post, the Burbank controller responds that it will be a few moments and asks the pilot to hold. Seconds later, the controller tells the pilot that he can plan to transition to the north side of Van Nuys Airport. He tells the pilot several departures are coming off a runway and to “expect to follow the I-5 north and cross that way.”
Disponível em: https://www.washingtonpost.com. Acesso em: 29 jun. 2020.
O mundo dos esportes ficou estarrecido com a morte precoce da estrela da NBA Kobe Bryant num acidente de Helicóptero na cidade de Los Angeles. De acordo com a matéria divulgada acima, as investigações sobre o acidente
- Espanhol - Fundamental | 1. Interpretación de Texto (Interpretação de Texto)
Lee los textos a seguir y contesta a las preguntas propuestas en la cuestión
- A) ¿Cuál es el género textual de los textos?
- B) ¿Cuál es el lenguaje empleado en cada uno? ¿Formal o informal? Justifica.
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Diabetes melito tipo 1 é um distúrbio biológico em que há ausência de produção de insulina, hormônio que promove a retirada de glicose da corrente sanguínea e seu encaminhamento para o interior das células dos tecidos muscular, adiposo e hepático. Esse problema de saúde decorre de uma disfunção em uma glândula que atua no controle dos níveis de glicose no sangue.
A glândula que apresenta relação direta com a doença citada é o(a)
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Scared fit
My body was telling me things I did not want to hear. In February 2010, my doctor confirmed what my body was telling me. My not feeling well was a result of years of neglecting my body and diet. At 62, I had developed high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and my cholesterol was going through the roof. At 4’ 10” and weighing 227 pounds, the problem was in the mirror looking back at me. My doctor said, “lose weight, start eating healthy, and start exercising if you want to live to a ripe old age”. Needless to say, I was scared I wouldn’t see my grandkids and great-grandkids grow up.
PAZ, A. Disponível em: www.healthandfitnessmag.com. Acesso em: 28 fev. 2012.
No texto Scared fit, que relata a experiência de Amanda de la Paz relacionada aos cuidados com a saúde, a palavra scared faz referência ao seu medo de
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Com base no esquema, assinale a afirmativa INCORRETA.