Read the excerpts from this newspaper article. Tips for Running a Night Race By Lindsey Benoit, Women's Health Director of Communications and Special Projects I was sitting down with my friend Jen earlier this year, who just so happens to be Women's Health magazine's Fitness Director, a recent Ironman finisher and a certified trainer, about setting our New Year's goals. Anyone who has met Jen Ator knows she is one of the most motivated and inspiring girls around, so I was eager to make strong resolutions. Ultimately, I came up with two big goals -- learn how to play the Ukulele and run a half marathon. Never in a million years would I think that learning to play an instrument would be easier than training to run 13.1 miles. I mean, isn't running supposed to be skill we are naturally born with? In high school I thought I would join the cross-country team, but that was short lived, and I ended up hiding in the bushes with a friend after running about 10 minutes, waiting for the rest of the team to pass us before joining back in at the end of the run. The idea of running 13.1 miles on purpose was not something I thought I would willingly do -- let alone become one of my goals. I decided if I am going to do this, I am going to do it big and find a race that would be a magical experience for me. Naturally, run Disney popped into my head. I made up my mind and decided that the Wine & Dine Half Marathon sponsored by New Balance was the race for me -- a mix of hard work and fun at the most magical place on earth. Plus, delicious food and wine doesn't hurt. I was sold. What sets this race apart is the start time. The race doesn't begin until 10 p.m. -- quite the contrast to my early morning training runs. I work long hours, so I prefer early morning workouts. Transitioning from 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. is adding yet another challenge to my first long-distance run. For tips on adapting, I turned to the experts to give insight on how to prep for a night race to be ready to go on November 8. Available at: <>. Accessed on: Nov. 9, 2014.
Is it better running at night or during the day? Compare both situations using the appropriate grammar resources and express your point of view .