

Read the text and answer question.

[…] Title: ________________________________________________________

1) You go out of your way to see or hang out with that person.


2) You are starting to worry more about your appearance.


3) When writing a list of positives and negatives about that person, the positives win...by a landslide.

4) You find yourself being clumsy or awkward around them.

5) You find yourself getting tunnel vision.

6) They are not around and you find yourself smiling.

7) You start asking his friends about him.

8) Your friends are getting sick of you talking about her.

9) For some reason, you cannot stop teasing this person.

10) You hate going to your Physics class but lately you don't seem to mind. In fact, you actually get a little happy or anxious to go because you want to see your crush who sits two rows away from you. Having a crush can definitely give you that giddy sensation. […]


Available at:. http://www.essortment.com/top-ten-ways-crush-37456.html.  Access on: May 18th 2012. (Fragment)


Choose the best title for the text.


The top ten ways to figure out if

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