Texto base: .
A imagem a seguir mostra exemplos de algumas doenças.
Disponível em: <http://qlimpo.com.br/uploads/images/novo_cx.jpg>. Acesso em: 17 mar. 2014.
A) Explique o que essas doenças têm em comum.
B) Cite uma forma de evitá-las.
Questões relacionadas
- Inglês - Fundamental | 08. Materiais Escolares
The picture is a ___________________.
- Inglês - Fundamental | 10. Can and Can't (Poder e Não Poder, Habilidade)
Sea otters are the only otters to give birth in the water. Mothers cuddle their young while floating on their backs and hold infants on their chests to nurse them. They quickly teach them to swim and hunt for themselves. Sea otters were hunted for their fur to the point of near extinction. Early in the 20th century only 1,000 to 2,000 animals remained. They can be found along the coasts of the Pacific Ocean in North America and Asia. Available at: < kids.nationalgeographic.com/animals/sea-otters> Accessed on: Oct. 18, 2014. (Fragment)
Complete the sentences using can or can’t, according to the text.
A) We ___________ see sea otters along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean in the South America and Asia.
B) Sea otters ____________ give birth in the water.
C) Baby sea otters ____________ swim because their mothers teach them.
D) We ___________ say that sea otters were hunted for their fur.
- Língua Portuguesa - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Observe, atentamente, a imagem que se segue e reflita sobre estas questões:
O que as crianças estão fazendo? Para onde estão indo? O que elas estão levando? Na imagem, o que mais chamou sua atenção?
Escreva uma história relacionada a essa imagem. Dê nome aos personagens. Dê um título à sua história. Seja criativo!
- Matemática - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
QUAL A IDADE DAS CRIANÇAS MAIS NOVAS? ------------- QUEM SÃO ELAS?---------------------------
QUAL A IDADE DAS CRIANÇAS MAIS VELHAS? ---------- QUEM SÃO ELAS?----------------------------
QUANTOS ANOS CLÁUDIA É MAIS VELHA QUE ALINE? ----------------------------
QUANTOS ANOS CARLOS É MAIS NOVO QUE MARCOS? --------------------------------
- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Texto base: Text for question. Global Handwashing Day The practice of handwashing with soap tops the international hygiene agenda on October 15 th, with the celebration of Global Handwashing Day. Handwashing with soap is among the most effective and inexpensive ways to prevent diarrheal diseases and pneumonia, which together are responsible for the deaths of over 3.5 million children under the age of 5 every year. In developed countries, handwashing helps to prevent the spread of viral infections, such as rotavirus and influenza. Although people around the world wash their hands with water, many do not wash their hands with soap at critical moments, including after going to the toilet and before handling or eating food. The challenge is to transform handwashing with soap from an abstract good idea into an automatic behavior carried out in homes, schools, workplaces and communities. Global Handwashing Day is the centerpiece of a week of activities that aim to mobilize millions of people to wash their hands with soap. This simple activity could save more lives than any vaccine or medical intervention, preventing the spread of infection and keeping children in school. Children, who so often are energetic, enthusiastic and open to new ideas, can act as agents of change by taking the handwashing lessons learned at school back into their homes and communities. Global Handwashing Day aims to motivate children to embrace and share proper handwashing practices and to take on the role of handwashing ambassadors.
Adapted from: .
Accessed on: June 11th, 2014. Vocabulary:
behavior: comportamento
aims: tem como objetivo
Read the following statements and choose the correct alternative.
According to the text, the Global Handwashing Campaign aims to motivate