Mark the rule that matches to the picture.
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Texto base: Read the text.
When I was at school, our teacher told the class 'You are what you eat.' My friends and I would laugh and call each other ‘hamburger’ and ‘biscuits’. Our teacher was trying to show us the importance of eating the right food to stay healthy.
This was a few decades ago when there were big campaigns to make British people healthier. We decided to throw out our chip pan which we had used until then to make chips every day for dinner. We replaced our chips with boiled potatoes. We also started using semi-skimmed milk instead of whole milk in our cups of tea and bowls of cornflakes. At first I felt like I was eating my cornflakes in water and my potatoes had no taste at all. But after a while I started to prefer healthier food because I felt stronger and I didn’t get sick so often. Japanese people are reputed to be the healthiest in the world because of the food they eat. The healthiest Japanese people eat rice and fish and vegetables every day. They drink green tea or water when they’re thirsty, and snack on dried fish, fruit or gingko nuts. The traditional Japanese diet is famous for helping you to live a longer and healthier life. So we have proof that you become what you eat. Can you tell what your friends eat just by looking at them? When you know the effects of different types of food, you can use your knowledge well and eat what you want to become. Available at: Accessed on May 20, 2010. Vocabulary: Chip pan – panela de fazer batata frita
Ask questions to the answers.
A - ________________________________________________________after campaigns about health?
B - British people decided to throw out chip pan.
A - _______________________________________________________________________________?
B - Because they made chips every day for dinner and chips aren’t good for health.
A - _____________________________________________________________________instead chips?
B - Instead chips they began to eat boiled potatoes.
A – According to the text, ______________________________________________in the United Kindom?
B - They use milk with tea and bowls of cornflakes.
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