“Thiago fez parte dos mais de 6 mil fãs que construíram uma torre de Lego de 31 metros em São Paulo, a mais alta do mundo, em abril deste ano.”
Um prédio com 3 andares e um pilotis pode medir 14 metros de altura. Qual a diferença entre a altura desse prédio e da torre de Lego que Thiago ajudou a construir?
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Frequently Asked Questions – Instagram
What is Instagram?
It’s an application for your mobile phone that enables you to edit pictures you have taken with your mobile phone camera using built-in filters and share them with others. If you have an Instagram account you can tag pictures, rate and comment on other people’s pictures and follow other users.
How much is your app?
Where does the name come from?
When we were kids we loved playing around with cameras. We loved how different types of old cameras marketed themselves as “instant” - something we take for granted today. We also felt that the snapshots people were taking were like telegrams in that they got sent over the wire to others - so we figured why not combine the two?
How did the idea come about?
We love taking photos. We always assumed taking interesting photos required a big bulky camera and a couple years of art school. But as mobile phone cameras got better and better, we decided to challenge that assumption. We created Instagram to solve three simple problems:
- Mobile photos always come out looking mediocre. Our awesome looking filters transform your photos into professional-looking snapshots.
- Sharing on multiple platforms is a pain - we help you take a picture once, then share it (instantly) on multiple services.
- Most uploading experiences are clumsy and take forever - we’ve optimized the experience to be fast and efficient.
How does privacy work?
We have adopted a follower model that means if you’re “public” on Instagram, anyone can subscribe to follow your photos. We do, however, have a special private option. In this mode, a user can make sure he/she must approve all follow requests before they go through.
Who can see my photos?
All photos are public by default which means they are visible to anyone who has an account. If you choose to make your account private, then only people who follow you on Instagram will be able to see your photos.
Adapted from https://instagram.com/about/faq/#
Which words are synonyms for photos in the text?
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Usando um ábaco como este você pode registrar diversos números.
1. Para representar os números , são usadas contas que são colocadas nas hastes. Usando apenas 7 contas, desenhe o ábaco e represente:
a) O maior número com algarismos diferentes.
b) O menor número com algarismos diferentes.
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(UFMG) Observe este circuito, constituído de três resistores de mesma resistência R; um amperímetro A; uma bateria ε; e um interruptor S:
Considere que a resistência interna da bateria e a do amperímetro são desprezíveis e que os resistores são ôhmicos. Com o interruptor S inicialmente desligado, observa-se que o amperímetro indica uma corrente elétrica I.Com base nessas informações, é correto afirmar que, quando o interruptor S é ligado, o amperímetro passa a indicar uma corrente elétrica: