Texto base: Study links steroid abuse to key biological, psychological characteristics A study by researchers at Harvard-affiliated McLean Hospital sheds new light on anabolic steroid users, augmenting previous research suggesting that users can become dependent on the drugs and showing for the first time that those who do become dependent tend to share certain biological and psychological characteristics. […] In the study, Pope and his co-authors, Gen Kanayama and James I. Hudson, both from the Biological Psychiatry Laboratory at McLean, evaluated 134 male weight-lifters, including 72 who had never used steroids, 42 who had used steroids but had not developed dependence, and 20 with steroid dependence. Of the total who had used steroids, 30 percent had developed dependence. […] “Anabolic steroids clearly do cause an actual biological dependence syndrome, and men who develop dependence on them often have considerable difficulty getting off the drugs, just like people with other forms of drug dependence,” Pope said. […] By Michael Lasalandra, McLean Hospital. Harvard Gazette. Available at: <http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2009/04/study-links-steroid-abuse-to-key-biological-psychological-characteristics/> Accessed on: December 17, 2015. (Extract) Augment = to increase the size or value of something by adding something to it
Researchers at Harvard-affiliated McLean Hospital drew the conclusion that anabolic steroids