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Juzgue lo ítem siguiente de acuerdo con la viñeta precedente.
En la viñeta, el personaje de la izquierda hace una propuesta y el de la derecha pone en tela de juicio la posibilidad de que salga bien.
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Considerando-se essas informações, é correto afirmar que a velocidade média do paciente para todo o percurso é, em m/s, igual a
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Algumas embalagens trazem, impressas em sua superfície externa, informações sobre a quantidade máxima de caixas iguais a ela que podem ser empilhadas, sem que haja risco de danificar a embalagem ou os produtos contidos na primeira caixa da pilha, de baixo para cima.
Considere a situação em que três caixas iguais estejam empilhadas dentro de um elevador e que, em cada uma delas, esteja impressa uma imagem que indica que, no máximo, seis caixas iguais a ela podem ser empilhadas.Suponha que esse elevador esteja parado no andar térreo de um edifício e que passe a descrever um movimento uniformemente acelerado para cima. Adotando g=10 m/s2 é correto afirmar que a maior aceleração vertical que esse elevador pode experimentar, de modo que a caixa em contato com o piso receba desse, no máximo, a mesma força que receberia se o elevador estivesse parado e, na pilha, houvesse seis caixas, em m/s2 é igual a:
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Read the text. HELPING A FRIEND WHO'S BEING BULLIED If your friend is being bullied, try not to ignore it. Telling someone can be the first step in getting it stopped. It doesn't matter whether your friend is being bullied at school, outside of school or online (cyberbullying), it still feels the same. Often classmates don't realise the effect that bullying can have on someone. But even the smallest comment can be really upsetting. Telling a teacher or parent Your school has a duty to stop bullying and keep pupils safe. Every school should have an anti-bullying policy which is all about trying to stop bullying. You can get more information about this by talking to a teacher. A teacher can privately tell other teachers and staff members to be aware of the person doing the bullying, and how they're behaving in class and the playground. Going with your friend Telling somebody that you are being bullied and asking for help is scary. Your friend might feel embarrassed, upset or scared about what might happen. Offer to go with them to see your teacher. Or, you could help your friend to work on a letter to your headteacher. Keeping a diary Write down who says and does what. And where the bullying happened. This will help your school understand how serious the situation is. Then, you can then tell them exactly what's been going on. They might find it useful to sign up and use our mood journal to record the bullying and how it makes them feel. And if the bullying is making them feel bad, they can try using our Art box. How bullying might affect your friend. When someone is struggling to cope with constant bullying, it can sometimes lead to: self-harm eating problems depression suicidal thoughts. If you're worried about your friend, you can always talk to us. Available at Access on 25, 2018.
If you are helping a friend who is being bullied at school, what advices would you give him or her?
What do you think the school should do to help your friend?