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The photography exercise book by Bert Krages
Training your eye to shoot like a pro
A while ago I was asked if I’d like to have a look at Bert Krages’ book. My initial thought was that it would pretty much be a list of ‘try this’ exercises. Well in a way it is, in that you really need to go out and try the exercises, not just read about them. In much the same way that my piano playing won’t improve by just buying more books about playing the piano…
Try the technical exercises – a desk lamp and an egg really can teach you an enormous amount about the realities of lighting, shadows and reflected light. I’ve been a pro photographer since 2004 and taking the time to do some of the exercises has been of real benefit.
A well-written book that is packed with useful images to illustrate the matters at hand. It’s nice to see the author didn’t fall into the trap of only including ‘perfect’ photos – you will look at some and think ‘I could do better than that’ – good!
It’s a book for people who want to take more photos and increase their satisfaction from doing so. Definitely one to try if you feel you’re perhaps clinging to some of the technical aspects of photography as a bit of a safety blanket, to avoid the fluffy artsy stuff.
Book Author Info.
Bert Krages is a photographer and attorney who is the author of two previous photography books, Legal Handbook for Photographers and Heavenly Bodies: The Photographer’s Guide to Astrophotography.
Adapted from http://www.northlight-images.co.uk/
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