

Considere os seguintes líquidos, todos a 25 °C:

I. Cu(NO3)2(aq) IV. CH3(CH2)16CH2OH(l) II. CS2(l) V. HCl(aq) III. CH3CO2H(aq) VI. C6H6(l) Assinale a opção que indica o(s) líquido(s) solúvel(eis) em tetracloreto de carbono.

Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.
Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.
Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.
Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.
Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.