1. É o valor angular do arco de meridiano compreendido entre o equador e o paralelo do lugar de referência. Será sempre norte ou sul.
2. É o valor angular, junto ao eixo da Terra, do plano formado pelo prolongamento das extremidades do arco compreendido entre o meridiano de Greenwich e o arco do lugar de referência, considerando-se este plano sempre paralelo ao plano do equador. Será sempre leste ou oeste.
(Paulo A. Duarte. Fundamentos de cartografia, 2008. Adaptado.)
No excerto, 1 e 2 correspondem, respectivamente, a
Questões relacionadas
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(BAHIANA) A escassez de recursos hídricos é um dos problemas enfrentados em muitos lugares do mundo porque a água não é distribuída igualmente em todas as regiões, e a maior parte desse líquido está nos oceanos. A educação e a conscientização da população para o uso racional da água potável, uma melhor gestão dos recursos hídricos, investimentos no reflorestamento das margens e na recuperação de rios poluídos e a ampliação do sistema de saneamento básico são ações necessárias para a proteção e conservação de ambientes aquáticos. Considerando-se as informações do texto, as propriedades da água e das soluções aquosas e os métodos de separação dos componentes de uma mistura, é correto afirmar:
- Física | B. Força Magnética
(UFJF) Um anel metálico cai verticalmente devido ao seu peso em uma região de campo magnético constante saindo perpendicularmente ao plano da folha, de acordo com a figura abaixo.
Assinale a alternativa CORRETA sobre a corrente induzida no anel.
- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Complete the sentences with the correct Passive Voice.
1. A lot of sugar ________________ in soft drinks.
2. Animal fat ________________ in soap.
3. Jelly ________________ to margarine to make it soft.
4. Soft drinks ________________ in PET bottles.
5. Newspaper ________________ from trees.
- Língua Inglesa | 2.01 Pronomes
Forget Texting While Driving: AT&T Survey reveals drivers do a lot more with their smartphones
By Menchie Mendoza, Tech Times | May 20, 10:10 AM
Drivers who continue to use their smartphones while driving are not only distracted when they call and text. Apart from calling and texting, drivers are also browsing the Internet, tweeting, video chatting, taking selfies and sending email with their devices, according to a study by AT&T.
The research was conducted as part of the carrier's "It Can Wait" campaign launched in 2010. It hopes to increase awareness of the dangers posed by using smartphones while one is behind the wheel. The study polled U.S. residents ages 16-65 who use their smartphone and drive once or more per day.
Seventy percent of those surveyed admit they use their smartphones for a number of activities while they are driving: 61 percent say they text and 33 percent send email while they are behind the wheel. Posting or interacting on social media is also one of the most common activities that drivers engage in. Using Facebook ranks first on the list, with 27 percent of drivers logging in while driving. Other social media channels that keep drivers "multitasking" include Instagram and Twitter (14 percent) and Snapchat (11 percent).
The results also show that there is a deeper problem involved when people use social media while driving. Among those surveyed, 22 percent blame their addiction to social media.
Other revelations show 62 percent keep their smartphones within easy reach, and that 30 percent of those who post to Twitter while driving do it "all the time". Drivers also don't seem to run out of other activities using their smartphones since most apps are now easily accessed with just a simple tap. Because of this, 28 percent of drivers browse the web; 17 percent take selfies (or groupies); and 10 percent video chat.
"One in 10 say they do video chat while driving", said Lori Lee, AT&T's senior VP for global marketing. "I don't even have words for that". AT&T plans to expand the "It Can Wait" campaign in order to add more focus on the topic of texting while driving by including other driving distractions that result from using the smartphones. "When we launched 'It Can Wait' five years ago, we pleaded with people to realize that no text is worth a life", said Lee. "The same applies to other smartphone activities that people are doing while driving. For the sake of you and those around you, please keep your eyes on the road, not on your phone". AT&T will also launch a nationwide virtual reality tour in summer in order to spread the word that driving and using a smartphone don't and will never mix.
Adapted from < http://www.techtimes.com/>.
The word “they”, in boldface and italics, last paragraph, refers to:
- Física | 5.2 Ondas Mecânicas
Supondo-se que o meio de propagação seja o mesmo para todas as ondas (o vácuo, por exemplo), então, no espectro eletromagnético, tem-se