Com a constatação expressa no trecho: “Eu não tinha este coração Que nem se mostra” (linhas 63-64), o eulírico pretende
Questões relacionadas
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Vancouver 2010
Official Posters of the Games
The maple leaf. It’s one of Canada’s most widely recognized symbols and now it’s the face of the official 2010 Winter Games posters. But instead of the standard rustic red, this maple leaf is an anthology of nature and urban symbolism in wintery shades of blue and vibrant greens.
When the Olympic and Paralympic posters are displayed together, the two halves of the maple leaf join to create a whole, a concept that is a first for an Organizing Committee. The Official Emblems of the Games, and the Games motto With Glowing Hearts/Des plus brillants exploits, are also on the posters; all poster elements are artfully displayed on a white wood grain textured background.
Like other Games posters before them, the official posters of Canada’s Games — the 21st produced for a Winter Games — will hang on bedroom walls and office boardrooms around the world. Among collectors, Olympic and Paralympic Games posters are some of the most coveted Games keepsakes.
Created by hand using paint and mixed media prior to digital composition, the techniques employed to produce the original piece of art complement the modern and dynamic style of the Vancouver 2010 graphics. The Look of the Games graphic elements in the poster were created by members of the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC) design team, and the poster concept and unique interpretation of the graphic elements were brought to life by VANOC designer Ben Hulse.
Available at:
Accessed on May 17th 2010.
Answer the questions.
(A) What’s the symbol of Vancouver Olympic Games 2010?
(B) What is the Maple Leaf?
(C) What do the colors green and blue represent?
(D) How was the poster created?
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