Uma importante toxina anestésica, popularmente conhecida como curare, pode ser extraída de plantas nativas de florestas brasileras e empregada na caça de animais utilizados como alimento por tribos indígenas. A morte das aves e dos mamíferos caçados com tal técnica ocorre através da asfixia, interrupção das trocas respiratórias pulmonares, sem entretanto afetar o batimento do coração. É correto dizer que a ação dessa toxina é verificada no tecido
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Read the text and answer question
Alice in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll
[…] A piece of chocolate cake was kept on a table by the doorway. Next to the cake was a note that read "EAT ME". "I'm so hungry," Alice said as she ate the cake. "I feel strange. Oh no ! I've grown larger than this house !" she cried.
"Get out of my way! You're blocking the door!" shouted the White Rabbit. Alice managed to pick up his fan. Immediately, she began to shrink.
"Oh, I'll never get back to the right size," Alice cried. She went looking for help. Soon, she saw a green caterpillar dressed in a pink jacket. He was sitting on the top of a large mushroom, smoking a bubble pipe. "One side makes you big, the other side makes you small," he said to Alice before slithering away.[…]
Available at: Access on: May 15th 2012. (Fragment)
Shrink – encolher
Slithering - escorregando
Answer the questions. Choose the best alternative.
Choose the correct alternative.
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Ao falar do caráter de um homem não dizemos que ele é sábio ou que possui entendimento, mas que é calmo ou temperante. No entanto, louvamos também o sábio, referindo-se ao hábito; e aos hábitos dignos de louvor chamamos virtude.
ARISTÓTELES. Ética a Nicômaco. São Paulo: Nova Cultural, 1973 .
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A Tall Order
The sky isn’t the limit for an architect building the world's first invisible skyscraper.
Charles Wee, one of the world’s leading high-rise architects, has a confession to make: he’s bored with skyscrapers. After designing more than 30, most of which punctuate the skylines of rapidly expanding Asian cities, he has struck upon a novel concept: the first invisible skyscraper.
As the tallest structure in South Korea, his Infinity Tower will loom over Seoul until somebody pushes a button and it completely disappears.
When he entered a 2004 competition to design a landmark tower, the Korean-American architect rejected the notion of competing with Dubai, Toronto, and Shanghai to reach the summit of man-made summits. “I thought, let’s not jump into this stupid race to build another ‘tallest’ tower,” he says in a phone conversation. “Let’s take an opposite approach — let’s make an anti-tower.”
The result will be a 150-story building that fades from view at the flick of a switch. The tower will effectively function as an enormous television screen, being able to project an exact replica of whatever is happening behind it onto its façade. To the human eye, the building will appear to have melted away.
It will be the most extraordinary achievement of Wee’s stellar architectural career. After graduating from UCLA, he worked under Anthony Lumsden, a prolific Californian architect who helped devise the modern technique of wrapping buildings inside smooth glass skins.
HINES, N. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 out. 2013 (adaptado).No título e no subtítulo desse texto, as expressões A Tall Order e The sky isn’t the limit são usadas para apresentar uma matéria cujo tema é:
- Ciências - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Considere a seguinte teia alimentar para responder
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 15 mar. 2013.
A partir da análise da teia alimentar, cite o hábito alimentar do pintinho, da cobra e do gambá e justifique sua resposta.