Observe a figura abaixo que representa uma blástula.
Com relação à figura, é correto afirmar que o número __________ corresponde à __________ que dá origem __________.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas do enunciado acima, na ordem em que aparecem.
Questões relacionadas
- Língua Espanhola | 1. Interpretação de Textos
El hombre de maíz
[1] La trascendencia del maíz en la cultura de este país es
destacada en el número 38 de la revista Arqueología Mexicana,
a partir de un extenso recorrido desde la época prehispánica
[4] hasta la fecha, que pasa por su historia, simbolismo, taxonomía,
especies y el arte culinario que de ese producto se deriva.
Según estudios presentes en esta edición, la
[7] composición genética del maíz cultivado proviene de una
especie silvestre conocida como teocinte. De hecho, se sabe
que la domesticación del maíz tuvo lugar en la región del río
[10] Balsas, en Guerrero, aunque no se ha establecido con precisión
cuándo ocurrió ni cuánto tomó ese proceso. Expertos señalan
que los maíces más antiguos han sido localizados en Tehuacán,
[13] Puebla, donde se encuentran especímenes con una antigüedad
de 3000 a.C., lo cual no significa que en ese momento se
descubrió la agricultura. De acuerdo con estas investigaciones,
[16] la domesticación convirtió al maíz en una planta apta para
proporcionar a los grupos humanos cantidades de granos
suficientes para alimentarse adecuadamente. A ello contribuye,
[19] desde luego, el descubrimiento milenario de los diferentes
modos de preparar los granos para sacarle el mayor provecho
a sus bondades nutritivas.
[22] En la época prehispánica, señala, fue tal su
importancia en la dieta que puede considerarse uno de los
factores que propiciaron el tránsito de sociedades nómadas de
[25] cazadores-recolectores a otras de agricultores sedentarios.
De hecho, del maíz derivaron gran parte de las características
económicas, sociales y religiosas de los pueblos
[28] mesoamericanos, apunta en ejemplar. Y es que, desde épocas
muy antiguas, el hombre estableció una íntima conexión con
esta planta, a la que veía como un don divino y con la que llegó
[31] a identificarse de tal manera que se pensaba creado de ese
grano maravilloso que le daba el sustento diario.
El lugar que el maíz ocupó entre las culturas
[34] prehispánicas rebasa el ámbito de la subsistencia, pues se
encontraba inmerso en las concepciones cosmológicas,
marcaba el ritmo de su cultivo y cosecha, la vida ritual y el
[37] desarrollo del resto de las actividades productivas. Además,
determinaba el momento en que habrían de realizarse prácticas
como la guerra o la construcción de monumentos públicos.
[40] Para estos últimos fines, se aprovechaban los tiempos en que
la mayoría de la población no se involucraba en el cultivo y la
cosecha del cereal.
[43] Respecto a la cantidad de platillos que llevan al maíz
como ingrediente hoy en día, resulta difícil dar una cifra
exacta. No obstante, para el destacado antropólogo Eusebio
[46] Dávalos Hurtado, esta cantidad se acerca al menos a 700
maneras en que se le consume en México.
Internet: (con adaptaciones).
Juzgue lo ítem de acuerdo con el texto.
Sin que se produzcan alteraciones semánticas o gramaticales en el texto, la expresión “desde luego” (l.19) puede ser sustituida por la expresión por supuesto.
- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Available at: http://www.nilacharal.com/enter/celeb/robert_pattinson.asp. Accessed on Dec 2nd 2011.
Match questions and answers.
1. How old is Robert Pattinson?
2. Does he have any brothers and sisters? Who are they?
3. What kind of sports does he enjoy?
4. What is his sign?
5. Does he have a nickname?
( ) It’s Taurus.
( ) Twenty-six years old.
( ) Yes, Rob, R-Pattz, Spunk Ransom.
( ) Football, Skiing, Snowboarding.
( ) Yes, he has two, Lizzie and Victoria.
- Língua Inglesa | 2.04 Voz Passiva
Everyone has at least one best friend, some maybe even more. There are also those people who are just friends and also arch-enemies. People may think that just because they are your friends it means that they are your best friend. The thing is, even though they are your friend, the relationship between a best friend and a friend is different. Either way regardless of archenemies, friends or best friends, there are not many ways to compare any of these different types of friends, but you can easily contrast them from one another.
Arch-enemies often know more about each other than two friends. In a comparison of personal relationships, 1friendship is considered to be closer than association, although a wide range of degrees of intimacy exists in friendships, arch-enemies, and associations. Friendship and association can be thought of as spanning across the same continuum. 2The study of friendship is included in the fields of sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and zoology. Even animals have familiars! Various academic theories of friendship have been proposed, among which are social exchange theory, equity theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles. 3In Russia, one typically bestows very few people the status of “friend”.
These friendships, however, make up in intensity what they lack in number. Friends are entitled to call each other by their first names alone, and to use diminutives. A customary example of polite behavior is addressing "acquaintances" by full first name plus their patronymic. These could include relationships which elsewhere would be qualified as real friendships, such as workplace relationships of long standing, or neighbors with whom one shares an occasional meal or a social drink with.
Also in the Middle East and Central Asia, male friendships, while less restricted than in Russia, tend to be reserved and respectable in nature. They may use nicknames and diminutive forms of their first names. In countries like India, it is believed in some parts that friendship is a form of respect, not born out of fear or superiority. Friends are people who are equal in most standards, but still respect each other regardless of their attributes or shortcomings. Most of the countries previously mentioned (Russia, Asia, and even the Middle East) and even our own nation are suffering a decline in genuine friendships.
According to a study documented in the June 2006 issue of the Journal American Sociological Review, Americans are thought to be suffering a loss in the quality and quantity of close friendships since at least 1985. The study’s results state that twenty-five percent of 4Americans have no close confidants, and the average total number of confidants per citizen has dropped from four to two. According to the study, 5Americans' dependence on family as a safety net went up from fifty-seven percent to eighty percent; Americans dependence on a partner or spouse went up from five percent to nine percent.
Recent studies have found a link between fewer friendships, especially in quality, and psychological and physiological regression. In the sequence of the emotional development of the individual, friendships come after parental bonding and before the pair bonding engaged in at the approach of maturity. In the intervening period between the end of early childhood and the onset of full adulthood, friendships are often the most important relationships in the emotional life of the adolescent, and are often more intense than relationships experienced later in life.
6Unfortunately, making friends seems to trouble many of people. Having no friends can be emotionally damaging for all ages, from young children to full grown adults. A study performed by researchers from Purdue University found that post-secondary-education friendships, college and university last longer than the friendships before it. Children with Asperger syndrome and autism usually have some difficulty forming friendships. 7Socially crippling conditions like these are just one way that the social world is so difficult to thrive in. 8This does not mean that they are not able to form friendships, however. With time, moderation and proper instruction, they are able to form friendships after realizing their own strengths and weaknesses.
9There is a number of theories that attempt to explain the link, including that; Good friends encourage their friends to lead more healthy lifestyles; 10Good friends encourage their friends to seek help and access services, when needed; 11Good friends enhance their friend’s 12coping skills in dealing with illness and other health problems; and/or Good friends actually affect physiological pathways that are protective of health. Regardless of what we think, we can clearly see that there are some ways that friends, best friends and archenemies are the same, but in the end they are clearly more different. 13Nonetheless we all have every single type in our lives.
Adapted from: http://www.ukessays.com/essays/philosophy/therelationship- between-friends-and-types-of-friendship-philosophyessay. php
Choose the best option to complete the active form of the sentence: “The study of friendship is included in the fields of sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and zoology” (reference 2).
The fields of sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and zoology __________ the study of friendship.
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(UFRGS) Leia a tira abaixo.
Invertebrados como os citados na tira têm em comum