As bactérias são seres unicelulares, procariotos, que têm formas de vida do tipo isolada ou em agrupamentos variados do tipo coloniais. Embora esses seres celulares sejam considerados pelo senso comum como “micróbios perigosos”, há muitas espécies importantes para o equilíbrio dinâmico dos seres vivos e destes com o meio ambiente. Assim sendo, muitos estudos e pesquisas são desenvolvidos na área da microbiologia, para melhor conhecer a maquinaria biológica das bactérias. Sobre a citologia bacteriana, é correto afirmar que
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No processo eletrolítico ilustrado, o produto secundário obtido é o:
- Língua Portuguesa - Fundamental | 9.15 Fábula
Texto base: Considere a fábula a seguir para responder.
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- Física | 1.2 Vetores
(IFSUL) Considere um relógio com mostrador circular de raio e cujo ponteiro dos minutos tem comprimento igual ao raio do mostrador. Considere esse ponteiro como um vetor de origem no centro do relógio e direção variável.
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- Inglês - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Galapagos Islands
The Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean are one of the natural wonders of the world. One thousand kilometers from the South American coast, the Galapagos are home to many rare animals, such as giant tortoises, sea birds and dolphins.
The islands first became famous in 1859 when Charles Darwin, the British naturalist, who helped develop the theory of evolution, wrote about them in his book, On the Origin of Species. When Darwin visited the islands, he found there a key to ‘that great mystery of mysteries – the first appearance of new life on this earth’.
Today the islands belong to Ecuador, and 97% of the area is a national park. However, despite this protection, the park is in danger. The most serious threat comes from illegal fishing, which is slowly destroying marine life. Every day illegal nets trap and kill sharks, pelicans and dolphins.
Another threat comes from animals brought over by people who have come to live on the islands. Dogs and cats eat the sea birds, and rats and pigs eat turtle eggs. Getting these animals off the island is difficult and expensive.
Although tourism is seen as a positive thing, it also has caused problems. The population of Galapagos is growing fast with people from the mainland looking for jobs. Unfortunately the islands’ resources can’t support this growth.
Today the Galapagos is still a wonderful place, but how long will this last? ‘It’s impossible to protect the park on our own,’ says park ranger Diego Correa. ‘We need help and resources from outside and it’s up to everyone to make a contribution – the Galapagos belong to the whole world.’
Source: CAMPBELL, Colin; Rodger Sohna, Gude Kathy & Duckworth Michel
Matrix Pre-intermediate Workbook – Oxford University Press.
According to the text, the Galapagos Islands are facing three main problems nowadays:
- Inglês - Fundamental | 02. Simple Present x Present Continuous: Review (Revisão do Presente Simples e do Presente Contínuo)
Texto base: .
Kid Reporter - J. David Pomeroy
Age 10
Rosemont, PA
Favorite thing to do in free time: Swimming
Brothers and sisters: One sister
What I do on a typical day: Go to school (3:30p.m.), play the piano(5:00p.m.), study and do my homework(7:00p.m.)
Who I look up to: My parents
The last book I read: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, by J.K. Rowling
My favorite movie: Rio
My favorite musical group: I do not have one.
My pet peeve: I do not have one.
Available at: Accessed on Oct. 21st, 2011.
Fill in the blanks with the correct Simple Present Tense.
1. David ________(be) 10 years old.
2. He _________ (live) in Rosemont.
3. He _________ (like) to swim in his free time.
4. He _________ (have) one sister.
5. He _________(finish) school at 3:30 p.m.
6. He _________(do) his homework at 7:00 p.m.