O número real positivo x que satisfaz a condição x2= x + 1 é chamado de número de ouro. Para este número x, temos que x5é igual a
Questões relacionadas
- Inglês - Fundamental | 11. Subject and Object Pronouns (Pronomes Pessoais e do Caso Reto)
Texto base: 10509873
Read the text. The time is one o’clock in the morning. The place is the Ritesville town art gallery. A window opens and a man comes in. His name is Harry Black, and he is a thief. It is dark in the art gallery, but Harry has a light. He looks across the room at a painting. [...] “A million dollars for this?” he thinks. “I don’t understand it.” But he takes a knife from his coat. Then he takes the painting very, very slowly from its frame. Harry goes back across the room to the window, but he bumps into a table. There is a beautiful blue glass vase on the table. It falls on the floor and breaks into pieces. He runs across the pieces of glass to the window. [...] Two policemen arrive quickly. “Let’s look at your shoe,” the two policemen say to Harry. Harry doesn’t understand. “What’s wrong?” he asks. One of the policemen takes the glass from Harry’s shoe. “This is a very expensive piece of glass,” he says. “From a very expensive vase. Remember?” Suddenly, Harry understands. “Oh, no!” he says. [...]
ESCOTT, John. Newspaper chase. Pearson Education Limited, 2002. p. 1 - 14. Adapted.
Thief – ladrão.
Painting – pintura, quadro.
Knife – faca.
Frame – moldura.
To bump into – esbarrar.
Glass vase – vaso de vidro.
To fall – cair.
Piece – pedaço.
To arrive – chegar.
Suddenly – repentinamente.
Read the sentence.
“ Let’s look at your shoe,” the policemen say to Harry. [...]
The underlined word refers to which pronoun?
- Biologia | 12.4 Relações Ecológicas
A ema (Rhea americana), o avestruz (Struthio camelus) e o emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) são aves que não voam e que compartilham entre si um ancestral comum mais recente que aquele que compartilham com outros grupos de aves. Essas três espécies ocupam hábitats semelhantes, contudo apresentam área de distribuição bastante distinta. A ema ocorre no sul da América do Sul, o avestruz é africano e o emu ocorre na Austrália.
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Observe a imagem e responda a questão.
(A) Como as pinturas rupestres eram feitas?
(B) O que elas registravam?
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Assinale a alternativa incorreta.
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