


To me, science is one way of connecting with the mystery of existence. And if you think of it that way, the mystery of existence is something that we have wondered about ever since people began asking questions about who we are and where we come from. So while those questions are now part of scientific research, they are much, much older than science. I’m talking about science as part of a much grander and older sort of questioning about who we are in the big picture of the universe. To me, as a theoretical physicist and also someone who spends time out in the mountains, this sort of questioning offers a deeply spiritual connection with the world, through my mind and through my body. Einstein would have said the same thing, I think, with his cosmic religious feeling.

Marcelo Gleiser, March 20, 2019.

(Adaptado de https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/atheism-is-inconsistent-with-the-scien tific-method-prizewinning-physicist-says/?redirect=1. Acessado em 15/05/2019.)


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