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How to prevent common cycling injuries

 It’s not uncommon for cyclists to encounter nagging injuries. The good news is that most of the common cycling injuries are preventable. You’ll soon discover themes among preventing many of the injuries:   

  • Make sure your bike fits you
  • Train wisely
  • Increase your strength off the bike
  • Stretch

 Not only will these things make you a stronger cyclist, they will greatly reduce your risk of injury. Who wants to be sidelined from cycling? (Silence…)  This is especially true of any products, but also true for fitness programs in general, but be sure that you know how to properly use any item or equipment before using it. If you don’t use it the right way, you can end up doing yourself more harm than good!   Available at https://www.pedalgoa.com/fitness/cycling/prevent-common-cycling-injuries/ Access on 26 April, 2018.    


Label the parts of the cyclist body where is more common to encounter nagging injuries.

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Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.