

 Read this internet forum entry about cycling to work and then answer the following questions:   [–] ergonomicsalamander  (7 months ago) Accidents in the last year: 0 (serious close calls: maybe 2-3) I've been cycling regularly for about two and a half years recreationally, and commuting / living carless for about a year. Safe bicycling tips: Be assertive. Pretend you're a car - that means take the lane often, stop at all red lights and stop signs, take the right-of-way when it belongs to you (but don't take it if someone tries to give it to you when it's unsafe to do so), and use hand signals for turning. Also, assume everyone else, cars and bikes alike, think you are invisible - always leave lots of space, be careful and go slowly when filtering, keep an eye out for turning vehicles.   Available at: https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/3qmagc/how_long_have_you_been_cycling_and_how_many/. Accessed on: Jun 13, 2016.



  1. a) How long has the writer been cycling?



  1. b) How many accidents did he have last year?



  1. c) He says he has been living carless. What does he mean?



  1. d) Answer in Portuguese, with your own words: What does he mean when he tells us to ride a bike as if we were a car?

