Here are a few ways that your actions can contribute to sustainability Lifestyle Your lifestyle is your choice and you can change it. For example, when you go to the grocery store, make sure you always carry a cloth bag. This way the shopkeeper does not have to give you many plastic bags Fixing If your watch, or a toy, or a camera is broken or not working, try getting it fixed before you buy yourself a new one Recycle Try and be conscious about the things around you. When you consume something, see if you can re-use it later. Needs vs wants Before you buy something, ask yourself the question- do I NEED this or do I WANT it?
Remember sustainability begins with you. So act locally and think globally.
Can you find out some other products that are highly unsustainable? Available at Accessed on: Jun 12, 2016.
These are ways to help the environment. Based on what you have just read, write in front of them the categories to which they belong to: Lifestyle / Fixing / Recycle / Needs vs wants.
- a) Buying everyday food: ___Needs vs wants_____________________________
- b) Biking to school or work: ____________________________________________
- c) Refilling your water bottle: ___________________________________________
- d) Repairing your old microwave: _______________________________________
- e) Taking short showers: ______________________________________________
- f) Buying a cheaper cell phone: _________________________________________
- g) Using ice-cream boxes to store food: ___________________________________