

What to do when a friend let you down when you most need him/her?   

a) Let it go. When people don’t behave the way you want, need, or expect you are merely adding to your own stress if you continue to waste time trying to contact them. Stop trying and move on.

b) Be proactive and start working on other alternatives. The best way to take your mind off of your disappointment in them is to find another way of getting the help you need.

c) Give them the benefit of the doubt until you hear their side of the story. Remember that everyone is dealing with their own “stuff” as best they can, just like you are. True, you are in a crisis but they may have a crisis of their own to deal with.

     Available at: http://www.empowher.com/emotional-health/content/3-things-do-when-people-let-you-down (fragment). Accessed on: Jun 14, 2016.  

Read the following suggestions again and summarize each paragraph, in Portuguese.  

a) _________________________________________________________________________________




b) _________________________________________________________________________________




c) _________________________________________________________________________________

