


The Big Five

 These five sets are commonly known as the    Big Five. We could simply call them Factor 1, Factor 2 and so on, but they have been labelled as follows:   

  •  EXTROVERSION — words describing a tendency to be outgoing, energetic and sociable
  •  OPENNESS — words describing a tendency to enjoy variety, novelty, challenge and intellectual stimulation
  •  NEUROTICISM — words describing a tendency to experience unpleasant emotions
  •  AGREEABLENESS — words describing a tendency to be friendly, compassionate and cooperative
  •  CONSCIENTIOUSNESS — words describing a tendency to show self-discipline and self-control

 It’s as if every word we may use to describe one another’s personality falls under one of these five headings.   Extract from http://personalityspirituality.net/articles/what-is-personality/ Access on 25 April, 2018.  





  1. Have you ever tried to describe someone's personality? Can you describe your own personality?
  2. Have you found yourself into one of these five headings? Give some positive and some negative examples.