

 Read the text and answer question.




 A rich merchant who had three sons and three daughters lived in a big house in the city. His Youngest daughter was so beautiful she was called Beauty by all who knew her. She was as sweet and good as she was beautiful. Sadly all of the merchant's ships were lost at sea and he and his family had to move to a small cottage in the country. His sons worked hard on the land and Beauty was happy working in the house, but her two elder daughters complained and grumbled all day long, especially about Beauty.[…]

The merchant set off to the city, and just before he left he said, "Tell me, daughters, what gifts would you like me to bring back for you?" The two older girls asked for fine clothes and jewels, but Beauty wanted nothing. Realizing this made her sisters look greedy, she thought it best to ask for something. "Bring me a rose, father," she said, "just a beautiful red rose."


Available at: http://www.childrenstory.info/childrenstories/beautyandthebeast.html?cPath=52. Access o: May18th 2012. (Fragment)


Write sentences reporting what the people said.



  1. Merchant: “My ships lost at sea.”



  1. His sons: “We work on the land.”



  1. Beauty: “I work in the house.”



  1. Merchant: “I am going to the city. I will bring you some gifts.”
