

The first men to walk on the moon


On 20th July 1969, NASA met President Kennedy's challenge, and Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first and second men to walk on the moon.

Michael Collins (centre) waited for them in orbit around the moon, in the command module spacecraft that would take them all home.

When they landed, the first words said on the moon were "the Eagle has landed", and as Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon's surface he said "that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. 


They explored the moon's surface for less than three hours, collecting 22 kilograms of rocks for study back on earth. When they returned to earth they were welcomed as celebrities, and international heroes!


Available at: http://www.spacekids.co.uk/moon/. Access on: April 29th 2012


Fill in the blanks with who, which, where. 

1. Nasa, ________________ is the agency responsible for the USA space program, was established on July 29, 1959. 

2. Neil Armstrong, ________________ was the first man to walk on the moon, was born on August 5, 1930 and is alive. 

3. On the moon, ________________ was the first place men went on space, was collected 22 kilograms of rocks for study. 

4. President Kennedy’s challenge, ________________ became true in 1969, was a success. 

5. Michael Collins, ________________ stayed in orbit around the moon, didn’t walk on the moon.