What are some of the most endangered animals?
These are animals that are categorized as Critically Endangered. Here is just a sampling from the list:
Black Rhinoceros - There are only a few black rhinos left. They mostly live in Western Africa. They are mostly threatened due to hunters killing them for their horns.
Red Wolf - The red wolf originally lived in the Southeastern United States. There are only a few hundred left, most of them living in captivity. Others include the Siberian Tiger, Florida Panther, Mountain Gorilla, California Condor, and the Giant Ibis.
Some "endangered" animals include the Sea Otter, Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Giant Panda, Blue Whale, Albatross, and the Snow Leopard.
Some "vulnerable" animals include the Lion, Cheetah, Hippo, Dingo, Polar Bear, Humpback Whale, and the Macaroni and Royal Penguins. Available at: <www.ducksters.com/animals/endangered_animals.php> Accessed on: Oct. 04. 2014.
According to the text, some of the endangered animals are