

Read the text below to answer the question.   

Animals in Danger

A lot of the animals in the world are in danger of extinction. Some people like to kill animals for their fur. Some people like to kill animals for fun. Read about the number of each animal in our planet.   KOALA – There are between forty thousand and eighty thousand koalas. CHEETAH – There are between twenty thousand and twenty-five thousand cheetahs. TIGER – There are between five thousand and seven thousand five hundred tigers. RHINOCEROS – There are about eleven thousand rhinoceros. PANDA – There are seven hundred pandas. POLAR BEAR – There are between twenty thousand and forty thousand polar bears. AFRICAN ELEPHANT – There are about six hundred thousand African elephants. MOUNTAIN GORILLA – There are only six hundred and fifty mountain gorillas. BLUE WHALE – There are about five hundred blue whales.


Lots of animals are in danger. Look at the pictures, read the information from the text “Animals in Danger”and write the number of animals under each picture. Order the animals from 1 to 9.


1(in great danger) _______________________________________________ 9(not in such great danger).



Available at: www.google.com (imagens) Access on:  Aug. 3rd 2012.