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- Língua Inglesa | Não Possui Tópico Definido
My journey: an accidental activist
I wasn’t born to be an activist. Quite the opposite,
really. I was born to be the stereotypical “good, racist
Afrikaner” in Apartheid South Africa. My family
supported Apartheid and all of them worked for the
[5] Apartheid regime at some stage in their lives.
I grew up in a home that did everything the Apartheid
government wanted us to do. We were part of the
Dutch Reformed Church; we watched rugby – the
sport of the white Afrikaner. I went to school at Paarl
[10] Gymnasium – one of the best Apartheid schools in
South Africa. I attended the University of Stellenbosch
– the “brain trust” of the Apartheid policies and
politics. We read the Apartheid government approved
newspapers and watched their TV. I benefited from
[15] the education they provided and the money they paid
my dad. I was made for a life supporting and working
for the Apartheid government.
I was well on my way to become one of them. I did
everything they expected me to do. I was a young racist
[20] Afrikaner, ready to take my place in their world. Well,
at least the small world within the white community in
South Africa.
Somewhere along the line things didn’t work out the
way they planned. I became everything that Apartheid
[25] was against – an activist with a social conscience who
loves being an “African” on the global stage. Instead of
being the man they wanted me to be, I became the man I
wanted to be. It hasn’t always been easy. It hasn’t always
been fun. But it always felt right. From Stellenbosch to
[30] Seattle, Mali to Monterrey, and Lusaka to London – no
matter where the road took me, it always felt right, and
it always felt as if I belonged. That’s the beauty of life
– you can be who and what you want to be no matter
where you come from.
HENK CAMPHER http://angryafrican.net/
In the text, Henk Campher describes a transition he experienced in his life.
His shift in political orientation was primarily due to:
- Geografia - Fundamental | 7.04 Vegetação do Continente Africano
Observe as imagens.
As imagens retratam qual aspecto do continente africano?
- Ciências - Fundamental | 04. Biomas e Ecossistemas Aquáticos
Texto base: Analise a imagem a seguir.
Disponível em:< http://imguol.com/2013/01/23/22jan-2013--velella-velella-e-uma-especie-de-hidrozoario-como-as-aguas-vivas-1358985123868_956x500.jpg.> Acesso em: 29 out. 2014.
Você teria a coragem da pessoa da imagem em tocar nessa água-viva?
Esse animal, ao menor contato, injeta toxina como um verdadeiro tiro à queima-roupa, produzindo a sensação de queimadura. Mas, como você explica a tranquila e confiante situação demonstrada nessa imagem?
- Química | 4. Química Ambiental
Megaespetáculos com queima de grande quantidade de fogos de artifício em festas de final de ano são muito comuns no Brasil. Após a queima, grande quantidade de material particulado permanece suspensa no ar. Entre os resíduos, encontram-se compostos de sódio, potássio, bário, cálcio, chumbo, antimônio, cromo, além de percloratos e gases, como os dióxidos de nitrogênio e enxofre.
BRUNNING, A. The Chemistry of Firework Pollution. Disponível em: www.compoundchem.com. Acesso em: 1 dez. 2017 (adaptado).
Esses espetáculos promovem riscos ambientais, porque
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