

Read the text and answer question.




The reviews are in… 


1. That e-ink screen, frankly, has fascinated me. Part of my attraction to the Kindle was its no-refresh, natural feeling, and

the lack of pixel blur on full-page text. I also like the one-handed Reading and jacket-pocketable aspects. " - CNET

2. The new Kindle is the best e-reader $100 (or less!) can buy." - Engadget

3. ... if what you want is pure e-Reading pleasure for the lowest price around, this is a big, definite winner." - GigaOm

4. I can't think of a single other gadget that costs less than $100 that I'd actually recommend,which makes the new Kindle just about the best Christmas gift out there." - Popular Science

5. The basic Kindle e-reader from Amazon now starts at $79, a price point that's very hard to resist." -  Chicago Tribune



Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Kindle-eReader-eBook-Reader-e-Reader-Special-Offers/dp/B0051QVESA.  Access on: April 22, 2012.


Answer the questions about the text.

1. This text shows us some ____________________________________________________________________.

2. Choose the numbers which tells us

a. about prices - ______________________________________________________________________

b. it is a good gift - ____________________________________________________________________

c. that it can be kept in the pocket - ______________________________________________________