

Read the following reviews of the film “The artist”. How many of the reviews are positive (P) and how many are negative (N)?

1. (   ) The Artist is one of the most enjoyable movie experiences I have ever had. It deserves a wide audience and all sorts of awards. I can hardly wait to see it again. […]

2. (   ) Don't waste your time on a film that was reformatted to black & white because it was irrelevant in color. It is still irrelevant! […]

3. (   ) I really don't know a whole lot about the director Michel Hazanavicius, but after seeing this film I'm definitely interested in seeing what he does next. […]

4. (   ) The Artist can get a little dark at times. […]

5. (   ) We didn't need dialogs, we had faces. […]

Available at: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1655442/reviews?start=20. Access on: April 29th 2012.


Choose the correct alternative.

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