

Places for People 2015   As our city continues to grow and change, we invite you to tell us how well your local neighborhood is meeting your daily needs. Thanks to everyone who completed the neighborhood survey. Your local insight will inform our third Places for People study and help us plan for improved neighborhoods. A project update will be provided in the second half of 2015. Prize winners will be notified 14 May 2015. A key aim of our third Places for People study is to understand how people are using the city, to work towards the realisation of liveable neighborhoods, where local goods, services and infrastructure meet people’s daily needs and can be accessed by foot.   Available at:<http://participate.melbourne.vic.gov.au/projects/placesforpeople/>Accessed on: May 24, 2015.   Some places people go in the city are: malls, gymnasiums, post offices, libraries, bookstores, beauty-parlors, parks, etc.   Available at: < www.oxforddictionaries.com > Accessed on: April 5th, 2015.


Correlate the definitions to the right picture of a place in the city.


( 1 ) Chiefly North American A large building or series of connected buildings containing a variety of retail stores and typically also restaurants.

( 2 ) A sports arena with tiers of seats for spectators.

( 3 ) The public department or corporation responsible for mail services and (in some countries) telecommunications.

( 4 ) A building or room containing collections of books, periodicals, and sometimes films and recorded music for people to read, borrow, or refer to.

( 5 ) An establishment in which hairdressing, makeup, and similar cosmetic treatments are carried out professionally.

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