Kidzworld's Interview with eleven year old, Izzy
Kidzworld: Izzy, tell me about your passion. You are obviously a positive individual - How do you do you stay inspired, what inspires you?
- • When I lived in New York, my Dad was a reporter for a paper and I would always see these columns in the paper for adults. I would rarely if ever seen and for kids and when I did they were all written by adults and no matter how cool adults think they are they just can’t relate to a kid as well as another kid could. So when I moved to Pennsylvania I started my advice column I got in touch with an editor from the daily item and gave him my idea and everyone loved it. A couple of weeks later started filming them. I love to help.
Kidzworld: What is it that moves you Izzy, what makes you want to get out of bed each day and take on the world?
- • I have always loved giving advice and I just always want to help people. That's what inspires me.
Kidzworld: You give advice to lots of kids every week, if you could go back to your younger self - what advice would you give ?
- • I would say to Always Be Yourself, try not to care what anyone else thinks of you and in the worst situations try and be the best version of yourself you can be.
Kidzworld: What would you say, you love the VERY MOST about yourself?
- • Ummm.. this is hard. I just love helping people and I love how weird I am. Giggles.
Kidzworld: Where do you get your questions from? Can people e-mail you, send you letters or how does one go about "Asking Izzy Anything?"
- • During the summer months I like to grab my hat and head to the park. I pick people at random and tell them about my project and then ask if they have any questions. When it get's colder the questions usually come from either Facebook, e-mail or Twitter.
Kidzworld: Do you feel that there is one common question that seems to be asked over and over by different kids?
- • Yes, actually there does seem to be a question that comes up many times. Kids often comment to be that kids today don't have as much freedom as they did years ago. Kids often think that their parents don't trust them as much as they would like to be trusted & how can they deal with that.
- •
Thank you so much Izzy for chatting with us today at Kidzworld, we look forward to hearing more from you and your column in the future as well as seeing you interacting & having fun on our site.
Available at: <> Accessed on: April 3rd, 2015. (Extract)
What did Izzy say inspires her to give advice to other kids?