Texto base: Read the lyrics of the song below. The Beatles - I've just seen a face I've
just seen a face, I can't forget the time or place Where we just meet. She's just the girl for me
And I want all the world to see We've met, mmm-mmm-mmm-m'mmm-mmm. Had it been
another day I might have looked the other way And I'd have never been aware. But as it is I'll
dream of her Tonight, di-di-di-di'n'di. Falling, yes I am falling, And she keeps calling Me back
again. I have never known The like of this, I've been alone And I have missed things And kept
out of sight But other girls were never quite Like this, da-da-n'da-da'n'da. Falling, yes I am
falling, And she keeps calling Me back again. Falling, yes I am falling, And she keeps calling Me
back again. MCCARTNEY, Paul; LENNON, John. I’ve just seen a face. In: Beatles. Help!,
Capitol Records, LP, 1965. Track 5, side 2.
The highlighted verb forms in the text reveal