

 Texto base: DEAR KELLY: I have a close group of friends at school that I hang out with all the time. There is this one specific girl who has two sides to her. Many of my friends don’t see it, but I certainly do. I have tried to talk to my friends about it, but they don’t see anything. When I am with my group of friends, she tries to use secret codes that I don’t know. I don’t want a person like this – that brings me down and sometimes makes me feel excluded – to be in my life. Prom* is coming up, and she is getting ready at my house because one of our friends wants her to come. I don’t know if I should tell someone or keep it to myself. Any advice? Please help. Alone Disponível em: http://www.sacbee.com/entertainment/living/family/teen-talk/article17726870.html#storylink=cpy. Acesso em: 10 abr. 2015.   Prom*: tradicional baile nas escolas americanas.


Follow the example of the first sentence and report Alone's letter into indirect speech. Try to make as many verb tense changes as possible. Don't forget to change the pronouns as well.



Alone said that she had a close group of friends at school that she hung out with all the time. She said...