Um núcleo de polônio-204 (204Po), em repouso, transmuta-se em um núcleo de chumbo-200 (200Pb), emitindo uma partícula alfa com energia cinética E. Nesta reação, a energia cinética do núcleo de chumbo é igual a
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Questões relacionadas
- Geografia | A. Globalização
(UFRGS) Cada vez mais, países como o Brasil, que buscam inserir-se na economia globalizada, empenham-se em atrair investimentos produtivos estrangeiros, que geram riquezas e estimulam o crescimento econômico. Ao mesmo tempo, economias mais desenvolvidas impõem uma série de barreiras protecionistas aos fluxos de circulação de mercadorias.
Assinale a alternativa que identifica a função das barreiras protecionistas.
- Física | 2.3 Trabalho, Potência e Energia
O bloco com massa de 10,0kg, mostrado na figura, é puxado por um motor com rendimento de 40%, através de um cabo metálico que passa por uma polia. A dianteira do bloco é deslocada do ponto P até o ponto Q, com velocidade constante, no intervalo de 2,5s. Considerando-se o cabo e a polia ideais, o módulo da aceleração da gravidade, g = 10,0 m/s², e sabendo-se que o coeficiente de atrito dinâmico entre o bloco e o plano inclinado, μ= 0,50, sen α = 0,60, cos α =0,80, é correto afirmar que a potência do motor, em watts, é de
- Língua Inglesa | 2.01 Pronomes
(UFPA) The Impact of Media Violence on Children and Adolescents: Opportunities for Clinical Interventions
Over the past 30 years there has been extensive research on the relationship between televised violence and violent behavior among youth. Longitudinal, cross-sectional, and experimental studies have all confirmed this correlation. Televised violence and the presence of television in American households have increased steadily over the years. Studies reveal that children watch approximately 28 hours of television a week, more time than they spend in school. The typical American child will view more than 200,000 acts of violence, including more than 16,000 murders before age 18. Television programs display 812 violent acts per hour; children's programming, particularly cartoons, displays up to 20 violent acts hourly.
How does televised violence result in aggressive behavior? Some researchers have demonstrated that very young children will imitate aggressive acts on TV in their play with peers. Before age 4, children are unable to distinguish between fact and fantasy and may view violence as an ordinary occurrence. In general, violence on television and in movies often conveys a model of conflict resolution. It is efficient, frequent, and inconsequential. Heroes are violent, and, as such, are rewarded for their behavior. 1They become role models for youth. The typical scenario of using violence for a righteous cause may translate in daily life into a justification for using violence to retaliate against perceived victimizers. Hence, vulnerable youth who have been victimized may be tempted to use violent means to solve problems. Unfortunately, there are few, if any, models of nonviolent conflict resolution in the media. Additionally, children who watch televised violence are desensitized to it. They may come to see violence as a fact of life and, over time, lose their ability to empathize with both the victim and the victimizer.
Child and adolescent psychiatrists, pediatricians and other physicians can have a major impact on the effects of media violence. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has created a list of recommendations to address television violence. It suggests that physicians talk openly with parents about the nature and extent of viewing patterns in their homes. Parents should limit television to 1-2 hours daily and watch programs with their children, enabling them to address any objectionable material seen.
Physicians should make parents and schools "media literate," meaning they should understand the risks of exposure to violence and teach children how to interpret what they see on television and in the movies, including the intent and content of commercials. In doing so, children may be increasingly able to discern which media messages are suitable. Schools and homes should teach children conflict resolution.
Physicians, in their role as health promoters, should become more active in educating the media to become more sensitive to the impact of violence on youth. The arena of media violence is a new frontier where physicians can promote health through public education and advocacy.
No enunciado “They become role models for youth” (ref. 1), o vocábulo sublinhado se refere a:
- Matemática | 1.8. Porcentagem e Juros
O tipo mais comum de bebida encontrado nos supermercados não é o suco, mas o néctar de frutas. Os fabricantes de bebida só podem chamar de suco os produtos que tiverem pelo menos 50% de polpa, a parte comestível da fruta. Já o néctar de frutas é mais doce e tem entre 20% e 30% de polpa de frutas.
Superinteressante, São Paulo, ago. 2011.
Uma pessoa vai ao supermercado e compra uma caixa de 1 litro de bebida. Em casa ela percebe que na embalagem está escrito “néctar de frutas com 30% de polpa”. Se essa caixa fosse realmente de suco, necessitaria de um aumento percentual de polpa de, aproximadamente,
- Química | 2.8 Radioatividade
A bomba
reduz neutros e neutrinos, e abana-se com leque da
reação em cadeia
ANDRADE, C. D. Poesia completa e prosa. Rio de Janeiro, 1973 (fragmento)
Nesse fragmento de poema, o autor refere-se à bomba atômica de urânio. Essa reação é dita “em cadeia” porque na: