

 Texto base: My girlfriend has a peanut allergy. I've heard stories about how people can die after being kissed by someone who just ate nuts. Do I have to worry about kissing her?

- Kevin*   Relax — the stories you've heard do happen, but they are rare. If you take some simple precautions, you and your girlfriend can kiss with no problems. Studies show that food allergens are most prevalent in a person's saliva immediately after eating. But the presence of allergens gradually decreases over time, and after a few hours they are all but gone. Experts advise brushing your teeth and waiting at least 4 hours before ___________________ someone if you think you ate a food that person may be allergic to. If it's noon and you won't see your girlfriend until later that evening, it's OK ____________________a PB&J for lunch. Just be sure to brush your teeth and use lots of toothpaste before you see her (just as anyone wanting kiss-worthy breath would do).   Disponível em: http://kidshealth.org/teen/expert/. Acesso em: 11 abr. 2015. Glossary PB&J = Peanut butter and jelly (sandwich)


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