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- Língua Inglesa | 2.07 Conjunções
(UNESP) Oxfam study finds richest 1 percent is likely to control half of global wealth by 2016
By Patricia Cohen
January 19, 2015
The richest 1 percent is likely to control more than half of the globe’s total wealth by next year, the anti-poverty charity Oxfam reported in a study released on Monday. The warning about deepening global inequality comes just as the world’s business elite prepare to meet this week at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
The 80 wealthiest people in the world altogether own the report found, nearly the same amount shared by the people who occupy the bottom half of the world’s income scale. (Last year, it took 85 billionaires to equal that figure.) And the richest 1 percent of the population controls nearly half of the world’s total wealth, a share that is also increasing.
The type of inequality that currently characterizes the world’s economies is unlike anything seen in recent years, the report explained. “Between 2002 and 2010 the total wealth of the poorest half of the world in current U.S. dollars had been increasing more or less at the same rate as that of billionaires,” it said. “However since 2010, it has been decreasing over that time.”
Winnie Byanyima, the charity’s executive director, noted in a statement that more than a billion people lived on less than a day. “Do we really want to live in a world where the 1 percent own more than the rest of us combined?” Ms. Byanyima said. “The scale of global inequality is quite simply staggering.”
Investors with interests in finance, insurance and health saw the biggest windfalls, Oxfam said. Using data from Forbes magazine’s list of billionaires, it said those listed as having interests in the pharmaceutical and health care industries saw their net worth jump by 47 percent. The charity credited those individuals’ rapidly growing fortunes in part to multimillion-dollar lobbying campaigns to protect and enhance their interests.
(www.nytimes.com. Adaptado.)
No trecho do terceiro parágrafo “However since 2010, it has been decreasing over that time.”, o termo “however” pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por
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A figura representa a relação entre as temperaturas Tx e Ty de duas escalas termométricas X e Y. Nessas condições, marque com V as afirmativas verdadeiras e com F, as falsas.
( ) A equação de conversão entre as duas escalas é Tx = 4Ty - 80
( ) A temperatura correspondente a 10°Y é - 40°X.
( ) A temperatura correspondente a 20°X é - 15°Y.
( ) A indicação para a qual as duas escalas apresentam o mesmo valor é
A alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo, é a
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Catálogo Submarino. Ano 7, n.o 37, mai. 2009, p. 75 (adaptado)
Considerando a propaganda e a função da linguagem que, predominantemente, encontra-se nesse gênero textual, observa-se que está presente a função:
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Um pintor dispõe de 35 litros de tinta vermelha e de 30 litros de tinta branca. Ele deseja misturar essas tintas na proporção de 5 litros de tinta vermelha para cada 3 litros de tinta branca para obter um tom de tinta mais claro. Para obter o maior volume possível de tinta misturada, ele deverá utilizar toda a tinta disponível de uma das cores e sobrará uma certa quantidade de tinta da outra cor.
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