Texto para a questão.
Fast Food vs. Healthy Food
Everyone loves fast food, but is it good for you? No! French fries, hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. taste so good but they are not healthy. Where is the nutrition? By frying or over-cooking your food, you cook all the nutrients out. All the fats, calories, and grease from this kind of food will clog up your arteries and can cause other health problems too. By eating unhealthy foods, you are more apt to feel sluggish and unmotivated.
There are many reasons why you should eat healthier foods before work and school. Some of the most important reasons are that you can concentrate better during the entire day, you’re less hungry, and your study time is more productive.
According to Psychology Today, high-fiber foods release energy slowly, while high-sugar foods only give you a short burst of energy. Psychology Today also reports that good proteins, such as lean meats and nuts, can improve your brain function. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and foods made with whole wheat help to keep your body and brain healthy. Healthy foods help with concentration for school and work. Eating healthily also helps with energy levels and positive thinking.
By eating healthier, you can focus longer on things and have a sense of accomplishment by having energy through the day.
Disponível em: <www.collegeamerica.edu/blog/junk-food-vs-health-food>. Adaptado.
clog up – obstruct.
sluggish – slow.
release – liberate.
a burst – an explosion.
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