Analise atentamente a figura apresentada a seguir, na qual 17 blocos de concreto idênticos e de dimensões apresentadas foram empilhados formando uma pequena parede.
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O volume dessa parede, em dm3, é de,
Questões relacionadas
- Língua Inglesa | 1. Interpretação de Textos
Recent Human Adaptations
[1] Human populations live in an extraordinary variety of different habitats: hot and cold, wet and dry; in
forests, grasslands and tundra. Different human groups feed on a wide variety of food sources. For
many populations, diets shifted further with the development of agriculture in the past 10,000 years.
To what extent have these and other factors led to genetic adaptation?
[5] Human populations differ in various phenotypes – observable characteristics that result from
interactions between genes and the environment –, but scientific studies have shown that phenotypic
differences have a genetic basis and are adaptive. For example, mammals that live in cold climates
tend to have larger, rounder bodies and shorter limbs than members of the same or closely related
species in warm climates. These patterns do appear to also hold in humans, implying that population
{10}movements into colder climates were accompanied by adaptation to larger, stockier body shape,
presumably to improve thermal efficiency. At the other end of the spectrum is the pygmy phenotype
that has evolved in rainforest populations in Africa, South-East Asia and South America. Research
has suggested that this phenotype may be an adaptation to food limitations, high humidity or dense
forest undergrowth.
{15}Another impressive example of adaptation is provided by human populations living at high altitude,
especially in the Himalayas and the Andes. Compared to related lowland populations, these highelevation
populations show a group of physiological adaptations to low oxygen. These adaptations
include markedly increased blood flow and oxygen delivery to the uterus during pregnancy,
substantially reducing the risk of babies with low birthweight. Current evidence suggests that these
{20}differences are not simply the result of recent acclimation, but are at least partly genetic. If this is
the case, then the adaptation must have occurred rapidly, because these high altitude regions were
settled within the last 10,000 years.
Skin pigmentation is perhaps the phenotype that varies most obviously among human populations.
Dark pigmentation is strongly associated with tropical climates, and the spread of prehistoric humans
{25}into northern latitudes was accompanied by a shift to lighter skin color. We now know of at least half
a dozen different genes that affect skin, hair or eye pigmentation. In particular, the evolution of light
skin color occurred largely in parallel in western Eurasia and east Asia, but we still know few of the
relevant genes in east Asia. Adaptation to lighter pigmentation may have been motivated by a need
to increase UV absorption for vitamin D synthesis at high latitudes or by sexual selection.
{30}These are only a few cases of genetic adaptation. There are surely some – perhaps many – other
factors yet to be found.
Emphasis can be signalled by different linguistic elements. The underlined element that expresses emphasis is:
- Língua Portuguesa | E. Crase
(ACAFE) Assinale a alternativa correta quanto ao acento indicador de crase.
- Espanhol - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Lee con atención el fragmento del libro El cuarto de atrás, de la escritora española Carmen Martín Gaite.
[…] Estoy en mí casa antigua de Salamanca. Hay dos pasillos paralelos, el de delante y el de atrás, que se comunican por otro pequeñito y oscuro, en ese no hay cuartos; lo llamábamos el trazo de la hache. Las habitaciones del primer pasillo daban a la Plaza de los Bandos, las del otro, a un patio abierto donde estaban […] la cocina, la carbonera, […] el baño y el cuarto de atrás. Era muy grande y en él reinaban el desorden y la libertad, se permitía […] cambiar de sitio los muebles, saltar encima de un sofá desvencijado […], tumbarse en la alfombra, mancharla de tinta, era un reino donde nada estaba prohibido. […]
GAITE, Carmen Martín. El Cuarto de atrás. Madrid Destino (Planeta de Libros), 2004. Adaptado.
En el fragmento, el pronombre demostrativo “ese”, destacado, es usado para referir
- Ciências - Fundamental | 04. Movimento, forças e máquinas simples
Temos vários sistemas coordenados entre si e muitas atividades ocorrendo ao mesmo tempo, mas a relação com o ambiente em que estamos também é essencial à vida.
Explique qual a relação entre os órgãos dos sentidos e nossa comunicação com o ambiente?
- Matemática
As exportações de soja do Brasil totalizaram 4,129 milhões de toneladas no mês de julho de 2012, e registraram um aumento em relação ao mês de julho de 2011, embora tenha havido uma baixa em relação ao mês de maio de 2012.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 ago. 2012.
A quantidade, em quilogramas, de soja exportada pelo Brasil no mês de julho de 2012 foi de