Read the text and answer the question. Kieran T answered 5 years ago When I traveled to Japan for a holiday (I was outside Tokyo, in Kyoto and Osaka).
Japanese people were very friendly and helpful, more than any other country than I have traveled to.
We asked one man in a busy street, for directions to the Sony building and he showed us the way, walking with us the whole time for over 15 mins. Ohioan_Femme answered 5 years ago Japanese people are polite specially to obvious foreigners. They are very status conscious and they worry a lot about their image. Some are very helpful, some couldn't be bothered. When you meet a helpful Japanese, he/she would go out of his/her way to help you.
Common occupation: salary man. They are everywhere, you can't miss them. Available at: <> Accessed on Sept. 26th, 2013.
You can infer that Kieran