Look at the cover of the book.
Copy the name of the author. _________________________________________________________
Questões relacionadas
- Inglês - Fundamental | 13. Present Continuous (Presente Contínuo)
Read the text and fill in the blanks with the verbs in the parenthesis using the Present Continuous.
Siena: Hello!
Peter: Hi Siena, are you with your MSN off? I’m 1. __________ (chat) with everyone there. You’re the only one of our gang who is not there! Are you busy? What are you doing?
Siena: So so, Peter. I’m 2. __________ (watch) a volleyball match on the TV, but it’s a break now, so I can chat a bit. Have you talked to Melissa this afternoon? What’s she up to now?
Peter: She’s at Joanne’s place. They are 3. __________(play) a new game in Joanne’s playstation. They just stopped a minute to chat, but they are back to the game now. They are really hooked on it.
Siena: Yes, that’s true, specially Mellisa, she is really into video games
Peter: On the other hand Samuel is really tense at home. He’s 4. __________ (study) a lot for our next Math exam, this Friday. He told me he couldn’t stop to talk. He’s 5. __________ (do) math exercises and his mom is next to him to make sure he’s not 6. __________ (get) distracted from his studies. And Marcelle couldn’t talk either. She’s really absorbed by the book she’s 7. __________ (read), I think it’s a science fiction novel.
Siena: And is Mathew studying as well? He told me he would study every day and night this week because he was extremely worried with the test on Friday.
Peter: So I guess he isn’t so worried any more. He isn’t working hard for the exams at all, he’s listening to some songs he downloaded last night.
- Língua Inglesa | 1.4 Reading Strategies
We’ve modified our behavior so we can text and walk
Texting – or checking social media or reading/responding to mail or reading the news or checking the weather or watching a video – while walking is a pretty common phenomenon. It’s so common that most people who own a mobile device have become texting walkers. Research suggests that these texters adopt protective measures to minimize the risk of accidents when walking. They’re less likely to trip because they shorten their step length, reduce step frequency, lengthen the time during which both feet are in contact with the ground, and increase obstacle clearance height. Taken together this creates an exaggerated image of walking, but it apparently slows the walker enough so that he registers some of what is happening around him and can compensate for it.
(Adaptado de http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/anthropology-inpractice/ we-ve-modified-our-behavior-so-we-can-text-and-walk/.)
Que mudanças no comportamento dessas pessoas são decorrentes da adaptação à tecnologia apresentada no texto?
- História - Fundamental | 02. A vida familiar
Texto base: Analise as imagens a seguir.
Disponível em: <http://www.googleimagem.com.br/>. Acesso em: 07 jan. 2013.
As imagens demonstram crianças:
- Inglês - Fundamental | 8º Ano
By Hobbes' answer.
- Biologia
É comum, quando pessoas entram em lagoas do Pantanal, anelídeos sanguessugas se fixarem na pele para se alimentarem. Para isso, utilizam uma ventosa oral que possui pequenos dentes afiados que raspam a pele, provocando hemorragia.
Com relação às sanguessugas, considere as afirmativas a seguir.
I. Contêm um par de nefrídio individualizado para cada segmento corporal.
II. São celomados com inúmeros segmentos iguais separados internamente por septos transversais membranosos.
III. Da mesma forma que as minhocas, as sanguessugas apresentam cerdas para a locomoção.
IV. Assim como nas minhocas, os órgãos são irrigados por uma rede contínua de capilares que se estende sob a epiderme.
Assinale a alternativa correta.