Texto base: Analise a tabela a seguir relativa a notas de dois alunos durante determinado semestre.
a) Calcule as notas médias de cada aluno.
b) Qual aluno apresentou resultado mais homogêneo? Justifique sua resposta utilizando argumentos matemáticos.
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Leia o texto a seguir e responda à questão.
Chinese Woman Opens Plane’s Emergency Exit for Some Fresh Air
A flight was delayed for an hour and a woman detained by police after she opened the emergency exit for “a breath of fresh air” before the flight took off in central China’s Hubei province, mainland media reported. The incident happened on Xiamen Air Flight MF8215 from Wuhan to Lanzhou, which was scheduled to take off at 3.45 p.m. on September 23.
Cabin crew had briefed the woman, who was in her 50s, about the rules when sitting next to the emergency exit and reminded her not to touch the button that opened the emergency exit. However, the woman said she needed some fresh air and touched the button to open the exit when the stewardess turned around to help others, the report said. The woman was taken away and the flight was delayed for an hour. Opening the emergency exit can be considered to be disturbing public order in an aircraft, which is punishable by police detention and a fine.
In July last year, a woman who was flying for the first time mistook the emergency door for a lavatory door before her plane took off in Nanjing. The emergency slide was released and the flight was delayed for two hours. The woman was detained for 10 days. Some passengers have paid a heavy price for releasing the emergency slide, which may take days and considerable expense to repair and reinstall. In January 2015, a man who opened an emergency door after a plane landed in Chongqing had to pay 35,000 yuan (150,000 baht) in compensation to the airline.
In June, a man from Hubei who was returning to China from Bangkok on a Thai Lion Air Flight opened an emergency exit before take-off. After apologising repeatedly, according to witnesses, he was held by Thai authorities for one day and given a fine of 500 baht before being deported.
Adapted from https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1762629/chinese-woman-opens-planes-emergency-exit-for-somefresh-air
Choose the alternative that correctly substitutes next to in the sentence “...about the rules when sitting next to the emergency exit…” (paragraph 2).
- Geografia - Fundamental | Não Possui Tópico Definido
Leia as informações e analise a charge a seguir.
O consumo é a atividade que consiste na fruição de bens e serviços pelos indivíduos, pelas empresas ou pelo governo. Constitui-se na fase final do processo produtivo, precedido pelas etapas da produção, distribuição e comercialização. O incentivo ao consumo também produz gravíssimos problemas socioeconômicos principalmente aos países pobres.
Disponível em: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumo. Acesso em 23 fev. 2012.
Crédito: http://www.google.com.br/imgres?q=consumo+charge&hl=pt-BR&biw=1280&bih=705&tbm=isch&tbnid=cVsnlWoWv8iCEM:&imgrefurl=http://tebloga.wordpress.com/tag/consumo Acesso em 23 fev. 2012.
O incentivo ao consumo principalmente nos países pobres vem acarretando problemas socioeconômicos em decorrência da falta de
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Texto base: Texto para à questão. Mean Messages Bullies in Cyberspace Bullies have entered cyberspace. What can kids do to stop them? By Nicole Lorio Jessica felt that she could not escape. "I was in tears every day when I went to the computer," says Jessica, 12. What was making her life so miserable? A girl who had been picking on her at school started attacking her online. Jessica is not alone. Many kids are feeling the sting of online teasing. Bullying has moved beyond the schoolyard. It is now in cyberspace, the world of computer networks, and the problem is growing. Parry Aftab heads an organization that teaches kids how to deal with cyberbullies. Three thousand U.S. children were interviewed by Aftab’s organization in the past six months. They have found that 55% of kids age 9 to 14 have experienced some form of online bullying. "Cyberbullying is any way of using interactive technology to humiliate, frighten or target another child," she says. Computers, cell phones, pagers and interactive games are the weapons that cyberbullies use. Bullies send hateful e-mails and instant messages. They create websites with mean words and embarrassing pictures. They steal passwords and spread rumors. Cyberbullying may not inflict physical pain, but it causes emotional hurt. Making Cyberspace Safe The issue is now being addressed by schools, communities, parents and kids themselves. The nation's first cyberbullying summit was held on February 8 in White Plains, New York. More than 500 people attended. Kieran Halloran, 12, came with a group from his middle school. Kieran learned that if no one tries to stop online bullying, "the problem can grow." One solution to cyberbullying is education - teaching kids and adults how to deal with online attacks. Aftab's group trains students to become TeenAngels, who pass on antibullying advice to others. Mary Lou Handy, a middle school teacher in Ridgewood, New Jersey, advises a local branch of TeenAngels. "It's influential when it comes from one child to another," Handy says. "Kids (learn to) think on their feet." Available at: TFK magazine. Accessed on: Mar. 14th, 2005. (Adapted). Vocabulary
sting: (here) the pain
teasing: provocation, irritation
heads: is the leader of
mean: malicious, sordid
rumors: talk or opinion widely disseminated and coming from an unknown origin, but generally, not true
summit: conference; meeting
branch: division; a separate but dependent part of an organization
think on their feet: say or do something frankly and spontaneously
Mark the correct alternative according to the text.