Veja o preço dos ingressos de um cinema e responda.
Rafael quer ir com seu filho ao cinema. O filme que eles escolheram pode ser visto em uma sala 3D ou em uma sala comum. Rafael só pode gastar 50,00 com os ingressos. Eles poderiam assistir ao filme em 3D em qualquer dia da semana? Explique sua resposta.
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Texto base: Leia o texto.
Por que os gatos enterram suas fezes?
A ciência ainda não possui uma resposta definitiva, mas os estudiosos do comportamento animal têm pelo menos uma teoria. “Supomos que eles façam isso para apagar as pistas de sua presença, para se defender de predadores”, diz o veterinário Gélson Genaro, da USP, especialista em gatos. Mesmo que os bichanos domésticos não tenham mais predadores hoje em dia, o comportamento é explicado pela sua herança genética.
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As fosfinas, PH3, são precursoras de compostos empregados na indústria petroquímica, de mineração e hidrometalurgia. Sua obtenção é feita a partir do fósforo elementar, em meio ácido, sob elevada pressão, e a reação se processa de acordo com:
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(UFRGS) Identity is about belonging, about what you have in common with some people and what differentiates you from the others. At its most basic it gives you a sense of personal location, the stable 1core to your individuality. But it is also about your social relationships, your complex involvement with others, and in the modern world these have become even more complex and confusing. Each of us lives with a variety of potentially contradictory identities, which battle within us allegiance: as men or women, black and white, straight or gay, able-bodied or disabled. 2The list if potentially infinite, and so therefore are our possible belongings. Which of them we focus on, bring to the fore, “identify” with, depends on a host of factors. At the center, however, are the values we share with others.
Identities are not neutral. the quest for identity are different, and often conflicting values. By saying who we are, we are also 3striving to express what we are, what we believe and what we desire. (…)
All this makes debates over values particularly 4fraught and delicate: they are not simply speculations the world and our place in it; they touch on fundamental, and 5deeply felt issues about who we are and what we want to become. They also 6pose political questions: how to achieve reconciliation between our collective needs as human beings and our specific needs as individual sand members of diverse communities, how to balance the universal and the particular. These are not new questions, but they are likely, nevertheless, to loom ever-larger 7as we engage with the certainty of uncertainty that characterizes ‘new times’.
The basic issue can be stated simply: by what criteria can we choose between the conflicting claims of differences? To ask the question immediately underlines the poverty of our thinking about this. Can the rights of a group obliterate the rights of an individual? Should the morality of one sector be allowed to limit the freedom of others? To what extent should one particular definition of the good and the just prevail over others? These are ancient questions, but 8the alarming fact is that one still lacks a common language for addressing them, 9let alone resolving them.
WEEKS, J. The Value of Difference. In: RUTHEFORD, J. ed. Identity, Culture, Difference. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1990. p. 88.
Considere as propostas de reescrita do segmento The list is [...] infinite, and so therefore are our belongings (ref. 2).
I. The list is [...] infinite and consequently our belongings are also infinite.
II. The list is [...] infinite and the list of our belongings may also be infinite.
III. The list is [...] infinite and hence our belongings are infinite, too.
Quais poderiam substituir o segmento acima, sem prejuízo do sentido literal e da correção gramatical?
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