

Texto base: 10509835

Read the lyrics of the song. Doctor, Doctor! My head hurts.

Doctor, Doctor! My arm hurts.

Doctor, Doctor! My leg hurts.

Doctor, Doctor! My stomach hurts. Are you ok?

No, I’m not!

Are you ok?

Yeah, I’m ok! Doctor, Doctor! My hand hurts.

Doctor, Doctor! My foot hurts.

Doctor, Doctor! My back hurts.

Doctor, Doctor! My tooth hurts Doctor, Doctor. Available at: <www.genkienglish.net/doctorsong.htm>. Jan. 24, 2017. Adapted.  Imagem


To hurt – doer; machucar. 


Read the sentence.

He always goes to the doctor.

What is the opposite of the underlined word?

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Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.