About waste – an introduction
Waste is a big environmental issue everywhere. This started with the industrial revolution. Besides the waste we create at home, school and other public places, there are also those from hospitals, industries, farms and other sources. Humans depend so much on material things and almost everything end up as waste. And where does the waste go to?
What is waste (trash, garbage, rubbish, refuse)
Waste are items we (individuals, offices, schools, industries, hospitals) don’t need and discard. Sometimes there are things we have that the law requires us to discard because they can be harmful. Waste comes in infinite sizes — some can be as small as an old toothbrush, or as large as the body of a school bus.
Everyone creates waste, although some people are more environmentally conscious and create very little. Some countries also do a very good job creating less waste and managing the rest. Others are pretty horrible and have created huge environmental problems for the people and animals living there.
• Did you know?
Europe creates about over 1.8 billion tons of waste each year. This means each person creates about 3.5 tons on average.
• Did you know?
In 2010, Americans generated about 250 million tons of trash and recycled and composted over 85 million tons of this material, equivalent to a 34.1 percent recycling rate. On average, we recycled and composted 1.51 pounds out of our individual waste generation of 4.43 pounds per person per day — this information comes from EPA, USA (US Environmental Protection Agency).
All over the world, communities handle their waste or trash differently. Some common methods of managing their waste include landfilling, recycling and composting. Other communities strongly embark on waste reduction and litter prevention or control aimed at reducing the production of waste in the first place. Some communities also engage in waste-to-energy plants and dangerous waste disposal programs.
Source: <www.eschooltoday.com/waste-recycling/waste-management-tips-for-kids.html>. Adapted.
Issue – questão, problema.
Besides – além de.
Tons – toneladas.
Handle – tratar, lidar com.
Waste-to-energy plants – usinas de transformação do lixo em energia.
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