

Texto base: “People cutting down trees caused the flood and landslide in my village because there was no tree to hold the soil together. There were many people cutting down trees. However, the Forest Department came to work in our village after the disaster and people are cutting fewer trees now. Burning garbage can also cause disasters because it causes global warming. Global warming causes disasters and draught. The climate changes every year that it becomes warmer. The dry season comes sooner. When I go farming rice with my dad, I can see that the water goes away quicker.”   Ball, 13-year-old boy, Uttaradith Province, Thailand, experienced flash flood and massive landslide in 2006  

Available at: http://www.preventionweb.net/files/submissions/15087_Livingwithdisastersweb.pdf. Accessed on Nov 12, 2016.


According to this report, those disasters were cause by

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