

Read Caresse Crosby’s biography and answer the questions:     Imagem (Photo: Keystone Features/ Getty Images) Caresse Crosby (1891-1970)   Mary Phelps Jacob, who later became known as Caresse Crosby, revolutionized women's undergarments with her invention of a "backless brassiere." Sometimes it takes a woman to know what other women really need. In 1910, Mary Phelps Jacob — later known as  Caresse Crosby— was a young, educated socialite living in New York City. One day, feeling frustrated by the bulky and restrictive corset that women customarily wore beneath their clothing, she asked her maid to bring her two handkerchiefs, some ribbons, and a few pins. From these items she fashioned a lighter, more flexible undergarment that she called a “backless brassiere.” In 1914 she received a patent for her idea and a few years later she founded the Fashion Form Brassière Company to manufacture and sell her invention. She eventually sold her patent to Warner Brothers Corset Company, which began producing bras in large quantities. Women have literally breathed easier ever since. Available at < https://www.biography.com/news/famous-women-inventors-biography> Access on 4 April, 2018.


  1. Where did Mary Phelps Jacob live?
  2. What did she invent that changed women’s life?