


Available at: http://www.epals.com/forums/p/20934/119356.aspx#119356. Accessed on Oct 9th 2011.



Marks – notas

Have fun – diverter-se

Learning games – jogos para aprendizagem


Read the text again. Complete the sentences using CAN or CAN’T according to the text. 

1. Daniel _________ play games on the computer at school.

2. In Australian schools students _________ talk with friends in the msn messenger.

3. In Australia students _________ make greeting cards at school.

4. Daniel _________ check e-mails at school.

5. Daniel _________ play learning games at school.

Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.
Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.
Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.
Desconsiderar opção Created with Sketch. Considerar opção Created with Sketch.